Saturday, 13 July 2013

What Engineeers do !

Practically working on  oscillations ...

                                                    Testing inclined planes ...

                                    working on the laws of gravitation ...

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Project Manager Mr.Kumar - A Restroom Retrospection

I am just a trainee and it would have been nine months from the date of joining. Still I am in the process of deciphering the da vinci code of how to approach a project manager. When you see your manager in the corridor will he smile back when you smile at him ? Is it proper to talk to him with ease like an experienced person? Recently I heard from my cubicle neighbor that my manager is blessed with a baby boy. So I made up my mind to wish him whenever I get a chance since I did not have the guts to go meet him in person. And I got one. It was a rainy day and my bladder was restless and wanted to visit the restroom immediately. I wanted to finish one task so somehow I managed to sit in the desk for fifteen more minutes which was like waiting for fifteen years and finally my bladder screamed. So locking my computer I burst out of my cabin and rushed to the restroom as though I am in a Olympic walk race. When I entered inside there was Kumar! He was just walking out zipping up his pants and I almost said “Congrats Arvindh for the baby boy! “ but luckily my mouth did not. If I had told at that point of time then it would have been like congratulating the organ responsible for child birth instead of the person himself! Somehow I managed to wear a smile on my face and he smiled back at me and walked out.