Saturday, 15 June 2013

The Greatest sucking in the history of sucking – Part One

By my friend.

Lets start with my friend. He is Mr. Devil Shortbottom. We both work in the same  corporate. Get this on your head- he is working in an MNC. He is going to quit the company in sometime soon since he is going to do his masters in Charlotte, US. He wanted to take two days leave for his visa process and other procedures which includes a Friday and the following Monday. He asked permission regarding the same to his manager and he denied. So my beloved friend Mr. Devil Shortbottom made his father to ask permission for the same and his father did! He gave some shit like his son was ill or something and finally achieved in what they intend to. Proud father and proud son now they are. I would love to have a peek in my friend’s boss’s mind when this happened. 


  1. I'm proud to be the one who announced it to the world!(after twenty minutes of ROFLing of course :D) ;)

  2. Though a trifle even, it reveals the mind-set of people.

    1. Exactly Easwar .. glad that you are following my blog .. loved your he who laughs lasts post, will be catching up on others soon

  3. :)... what we call where there is will there indeed are ways .. and the back-biters too :D
